Interesting conundrum with tenant

I would appreciate some ideas and/or feedback on the situation I find myself in at the moment please.

I have an IP which has been tenanted for the last 12 months. Tenant always paid on time and we have had no issues. She gave notice to vacate at the beginning of Sept. She was meant to have moved out by 15th Sept. A few days before she was due to move out I got a phone call from the Agent informing me that she had been served with cease and desist orders from moving. She was moving 2 hours away and her ex has applied through court so she can't move.

She had a Dept of Housing property lined up and ready to move into. The agent had new tenants lined up and ready to move in on the 20th Sept.

Because of all of this I now find myself with a bit of an issue. She has been to court, but it has been adjourned and my gut feeling is telling me she will either have to stay local or the court hearing could take a while to sort out. In the meantime, my agent has done a good job holding the new tenants in the wings and delaying them moving in up until now.

She is currently 3 weeks behind in rent because Dept of Housing took a fortnights rent for the new place she can't move into. She has paid a couple of weeks since all th drama happened and is trying to do the right thing. She had advised the agent tha she can't afford to keep paying the $380 per week she has been paying. Because she doesn't know exactly what is happening, she can't sign onto a new lease for 6 or 12 months because the courts could tell her that se can move in 1-2 months time. Most landlords in my area do not prefer a month to month lease initially. My agent has Tribunal paperwork ready to lodge on Tuesday to issue eviction notice etc.

So.... she knows she has to move. She knows it has to be to somewhere cheaper. She knows she can't move out of the area at the moment. The new tenants want to move in asap. It is going to be very difficult for her to find something quickly and month to month.

I ran an idea past my husband earlier today. have recently bought another house and we settle on the 7th Nov. I was thinking.... what if we moved our belongings into our locked garage. I allow her to move in to the place we are in at the moment on a month to month lease with a condition that we have access to the garage until say mid Nov (so we can move things out). Because it is smaller I would rent it to her for say $290-$300 per week. Then the new tenants can move into my IP and we would stay at a motel or something for a few weeks.

My concern with this is that we are trying to sell where we live at the moment. If I get an offer and accept, she will potentially still have to move BUT formal approval can take 2 weeks and then 6 week settlement so she would have say at least 2 months to find something else. Bonus for me is that I get a bit of rent instead of it sitting vacant once we move.

BUT what if she can't find something or doesn't try to find something else and the new owner wants vacant possession? I don't have to sell the house to complete settlement but I do want to sell the house to pay down some other debt so I dont' want the above idea to blow my chances of selling the house or causing me more grief when settlement comes.

Love to know your thoughts...
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Having been through family court myself years ago I know it is possible. 5 kids and moving 2 hours away would limit his access and relationship with the kids. Hence he applied to the court to stop her moving out of town until a formal hearing is undertaken. I am no legal expert but I know because we had it written into our court orders that no party is allowed to move the child out of Sydney.
I'm sure the cease and desist would be to not to move 2hrs away - not move from your house specifically.

By trying to find a solution for their problem, you are involving yourself where you don't need to.

Perhaps I'm not a compassionate person, but I would be washing my hands of someone else's problems and move on my 'business' of investing.

Thank you pinkboy. Yes the cease and desist is from moving 2 hours away. I hear your point however I don't want to lose a potential long term tenant (from what they have told the agent they want) because of her issues.
The NSW tenancies act allows the tenant to break the lease if they are offered a place in HC.

As noted by others, it's not your problem especially if they can't afford to stay in your ip. Even if they sign a new term they're likely to leave when the court matters are resolved.
Depends if you want to be an investor, landlord, property manager, social worker or case manager. To quote a dear friend of mine .... "anytime they're handing out problems, find out who owns the problem and give it to them."
I'd serve the papers, do the Tribunal and gain control. There's the likelihood otherwise that you'll get used then discarded.
Please don't take on her issues. Yes she might have been a model tenant but she is not anymore.

IF she had involved her ex early on in the picture with her intentions to move away she could have prevented this. He would have said 'no it's too far away for me to have proper visitation' then she would have decided to stay in your place, never given notice etc etc

Don't provide a solution as it's bound to get even more complicated. She is an adult and needs to sort this out with her ex and the courts etc
Separated or divorced parents are well aware of these restrictions so your tenant has known about this for some time.

Ask your property manager to provide the tenant with details of the local crisis accommodation centres. They will be able to assist with temporary housing while the court case goes ahead. Department of Housing will be able to do more to help too.

What you need is her out and your new tenants in. I know it is hard but try to look at it as a business transaction. If she stays in too long not only are you not getting rent from her but you're also going to lose a new tenant and be facing a period of vacancy.

Get your PM to go ahead with the tribunal hearing for possession too. I know it sounds awful but it may be the kick your tenant needs to start being a little more self-reliant.
Thanks for all ur comments. I am just so worried she wont move out. With 5 kids i would imagine the tribunal wouldnt force her out. I really dont want to lose this other tenant but u are all right, its her problem :)

I hope this plays out ok and quickly.
Thanks for all ur comments. I am just so worried she wont move out. With 5 kids i would imagine the tribunal wouldnt force her out. I really dont want to lose this other tenant but u are all right, its her problem :)

I hope this plays out ok and quickly.

Super Interested to see how this plays out.
Do not envy your situation at all, but glad you consider both the emotional and business responsibilities.
Thanks for all ur comments. I am just so worried she wont move out. With 5 kids i would imagine the tribunal wouldnt force her out. I really dont want to lose this other tenant but u are all right, its her problem :)

I hope this plays out ok and quickly.

I can sympathise. I have a tenant who told me he (and his wife and four children) wanted to break a 12 month lease. I have allowed it as he is a painful tenant. He is now able to give six weeks notice when he finds another place (which I hope is soon). I would love to give him six weeks to get out of the place, but he has provisos when it comes to rental ppty.
I can sympathise. I have a tenant who told me he (and his wife and four children) wanted to break a 12 month lease. I have allowed it as he is a painful tenant. He is now able to give six weeks notice when he finds another place (which I hope is soon). I would love to give him six weeks to get out of the place, but he has provisos when it comes to rental ppty.

I hope you don't end up with him vacating just before Christmas, or between Christmas and mid-January :eek:.

Fingers crossed he leaves soon... or mid January.
Having been through family court myself years ago I know it is possible. 5 kids and moving 2 hours away would limit his access and relationship with the kids. Hence he applied to the court to stop her moving out of town until a formal hearing is undertaken. I am no legal expert but I know because we had it written into our court orders that no party is allowed to move the child out of Sydney.

If a family court matter then yes.
Tribunal hearing is at 2:15pm today. My agent has also given her a lot of information and referrals to all the support/care agencies in town to assist her in finding other accommodation. My agent has been great, it is just a shitty situation. She is currently 33 days behind in rent.

I am hopeful that the tenant says at the tribunal she can't afford the rent and wants to move anyway BUT the issue will still be... when will she be able to find another place to move into that's cheaper and how long will the tribunal give her to move... AND will the tenants in the wings be willing to wait however long it might take?

I will update when I know more.
Tribunal hearing is at 2:15pm today. My agent has also given her a lot of information and referrals to all the support/care agencies in town to assist her in finding other accommodation. My agent has been great, it is just a shitty situation. She is currently 33 days behind in rent.

I am hopeful that the tenant says at the tribunal she can't afford the rent and wants to move anyway BUT the issue will still be... when will she be able to find another place to move into that's cheaper and how long will the tribunal give her to move... AND will the tenants in the wings be willing to wait however long it might take?

I will update when I know more.

You sound like a bystander to the proceedings instead of a party that can make their own arguments and push for orders in your own favour...
Your agent is probably still in VCAT now fighting it out, were you planning on attending?

Do let us know how it goes, your tenant should have been more pro-active in finding alternate accommodation and every parent of a child who is no longer with the other parent KNOWS these things can happen and needs to act accordingly. While I feel for your tenant I sincerely hope that VCAT takes the stance that she should have been more responsible given the readily available information for her.

Looking forward to the update! (if your PM gives you a copy of the order I would be interested to see which member is sitting. You can start to see a pattern with different members and the orders they make. It can be useful because you approach each member differently to get the outcome you like :) )
I hope you don't end up with him vacating just before Christmas, or between Christmas and mid-January :eek:.

Fingers crossed he leaves soon... or mid January.

Thanks Westminster. I have a good RE agent who is trying hard to find the tenant another place. And the RE agent has someone lined up who is staying in a serviced apartment until my house becomes available, so even if it's between Christmas and New Years, I should be okay.

Mins, how did you go at the tribunal?
Spoke to the agent a short time ago. Went in my favour. She has been ordered that she must vacate by the 24th Oct. she must continue to pay rent until she vacates (so if she leaves earlier then she only pays up to that date). The court also ordered her to pay $20 per week until the outstandinf rent is caught up (current approx $1800). Agent has received the bind back from the bond board. I instructed her to not apply it to rent until she has vacated and we can check for damage etc. if property is ok then apply to outstanding rent.

New tenants are happy to wait now they have a finalisation date.

Apparently it wasnt an easy hearing duebto the damily restraint orders but the magistrate called the court and the solicitors to sort some things out before making his ruling.

Now we just wait to make sure she vacates. :) i am pleased i have a resolution for now instead of it being in limbo.

Thanks everyone for your support.