IP Expenses

Hi All,

I just wanted to enquire how this works from accounting point of view:

My father, age 60+, is basically retired and earns approx 6-7Kp.a at the moment. He agreed to do my book-keeping and records maintenance etc for my IP expenses since January this year. It has been agreed that i will be paying approx @20/hr for approx 4-7 hrs a month depending upon the time spent.

Now my question is that how do i pay him. Is he my Employee or a Contractor or something else. I will be paying him once a 3-6 month as the amount is not much. Is there anybody else doing something like this?

Also can i claim this as a tax deduction?

Get your father to get an ABN, and then he can invoice you as a "book keeper"

Dunno where the legalities of it stand if he ws to call yourself an accountant though.. might need to be qualified for this.. (CPA or CA or somethn)

He already has a ABN. And from the ATO website i basically figured out that he can work as contractor. I just need to now find out what are my obligations wrt to paying him Super etc...

And ofcourse whether the expenses are still deductible or not.