IP Financial & Planning Provider



From: Mike S

I am about to purchase my 3rd IP in Brisbane however live overseas and would like some good sound overall advice in a range of areas.

Could anyone out there provide me the names of IP service providers that could assist me with longer term strategy's, accounting functions, tax, co-ordinate valuations and generally help me to set up the most financially beneficial portfolio I can have give my individual circumstances.

They would need to be Brisbane based as I do travel there regularly for other general business matters.

In essence they would need to consult to me as an agent type arrangement.
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Reply: 1
From: Mike .

Hi Mike S,

Are you looking for a Financial Planner who will develop an investment plan for you or are you looking for a Property Consultant who will purchase and manage IP's for you?

For Financial Planners in Brisbane try:

Johnson Taylor Potter:


AMP Financial Planners in Brisbane:


Regards, Mike
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Reply: 1.1
From: Mike S

Probably a combo of both although the existence of such is probably quite remote.

My real need is advice on Property and assiociatyed aspects to maximise the investment aspects so I get the numbers aspects right not wrong.

I will give the Brisbane chap (Mr Goos) some thought and a call next week probably.

Thanks a lot.
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