Is selling to start a new Reno typically worth it?

Once you have acquired all the properties you can within your LVR/comfort level, is it typically worth selling one of your already renovated properties just to have the buffer to purchase another one to renovate again? i.e. or would the selling/buying costs typically not make it worth it
i.e. or would the selling/buying costs typically not make it worth it
"Typically" that's correct. On the IP you have (the one you are considering selling), you have paid stamps, legals to buy and will pay REA coms, legals & tax to sell. The to get back into the same position you have to pay stamps & legals again. This could easily be a $40K exercise. :( for a mid-priced property.

However, if your anticipated profits on the next deal far exceed these costs, then it might be worth it.