Leftover furniture after Settlement

You can use some of that $231 to get keys cut for the windows :D.

In your other thread you said the windows were open at the pre-settlement inspection but locked and a key left that didn't open them.

I wonder if they did that deliberately due to feeling they should have got more money, or something like that. That was my first thought.

They may have got some small satisfaction from knowing you would have to spend some money getting new keys cut. Of course, it is only my twisted mind working overtime, but nothing would surprise me.

My mum once had tenants take every light bulb when they left as some type of spiteful way of "getting back at her" for some perceived wrongdoing, like making them pay rent :D.
They're part of the same agency but they're 2 different units. one sales an one property mgmt.

Personally i think the sales have good customer service. However the property management that does the leasing just can't be bothered.

Dunno.. this is the first problem i had with keys when doing settlement.