Libs announce a new property tax

Today the Libs unveiled a unannounced new tax applying to new homes being connected to (or being passed by !!) the NBN. It applies to Greenfields sites.

Total cost is a tax of $900 per site levied by NBN Co. ($300 billed to owner, $600 to dev who would pass it on they admit) However at the same time Malcolm Turnbull has advised that the NBN monopoly will be watered down. Other Telco's will be permitted to compete for the cable space. The monopoly is no more.

So some buyers will spend $900 for something they may never use.

But it gets worse. Developers will be slugged up to $1k also when the NBN is the sole location provider. This is to cover the extra costs of a dedicated "backhaul". When competing companies exist this cost gets shared in a complex process. It pays for conduit and pits etc. I imagine they would just pass it on as a higher charge...And add a margin.

Oh Malcolm when will it end ??
Why would developers pass on every other contribution except this one? Of course it gets passed on or people stop developing.

This is a precedent I'm worried about for the power industry. One day in the not too distant future it will be cheaper for people to supply their own power through their solar panels and batteries. But govt will probably insist on us paying for our network connection even though we don't need or want it anymore. The dollars involved are huge and it's likely to end in tears for someone...

In rural areas the cost of new powerlines are already $2-300k per km. With only a few customers per Km it's easy to see that solar and batteries is already the cheapest option overall out there. You can get a very schmick system for South of $40k today and not have to pay power bills for the next twenty years...

But just like the NBN our forward thinking govt will likely make us pay for infrastructure we don't want anyway.