Licenced Electrician didn't provide Electrical Safety Certificate?

What are my options? We had a massive rewiring done to a shopfront done, paid $9K for it. I have the receipt, his old electrical licence number.

We demanded a Electrical Safety Compliance Certificate, however, he had legal issues himself that dragged on for about 1 year. We found out recently his company was in liquidation and is about to be closed down. He no longer licensed/was struck off the the electrical register list.

So I called the Electrical Department of NSW...scarily enough I have very few options. They offered that I get a Registered Electrical Contractor to inspect and get a compliance certificate based on his old work, which in essence, I've called about 10 and none would accept this kind of work as they said they'd be taking on someone else's stuff ups if there was any issues. The only way they would touch this is basically strip out the my old sparky's work and redo everything which would again cost me heaps....

My main worry is that this will void my building insurance.

Any suggestions on a cheaper but legal option? Thanks.
I can see the electricians point of view, too much risk when they can go down the road and get the same charge out rate with less risk and probably easier work. This unfortunately doesn't help you though.

We had trouble even getting electricians to answer their phone and then you would be lucky if they would call you back. I finally utilised the one that installed my solar panels and paid him to do some extra work. I asked him what the situation was with electricians and he said that a lot don't like doing smaller jobs. It wasn't that small really and he made $300 in a short period of time in a nice new house without crawling around crappy dark spider infested holes...

I had to follow up on the air conditioner and irrigation controller electricians for certificates also. Over in W.A they are required to have them completed with either 21 or 28 days from memory. Being a rental property, I was concerned for my liability and potential lack of insurance if it all went bad and I had no proof. Good luck
the electrician that wired up my shed (about $15k of work) disappeared - i needed the electrical certificate to get my permit to occupy. he led me on for months before disappearing for good. I think it was a marriage breakdown - but if he hadnt dragged it out for months promising that he would supply the certificate it would have saved me a lot of stress.

i called the electrical licensing body and they were useless.

I had to ask a mate with a license to sign it all off for me - he checked all the GPO wiring and MEN's etc. I was lucky he helped me out.

i don't think you have a choice - you will have to find someone prepared to do it - might have to sweeten the deal somehow. Good luck.
i wouldn't have paid him without the electrical certificate. and i would have checked his registration number prior to commencing.

without the certificate - you are only going to put yourself with risks in the event of firet etc.

Only option is to get another electrician who would certify the works for you. Unfortunately it would cost more than your actual cost.
A visual inspection of the switch board and roof followed by a full commissioning test would be all that's required. Certainly not a full re-wire unless there are issues and it fails certain tests.

The same liability applies whenever we do electrical work. Even just installing a power point you still have to confirm that the rest of the installation is currently safe.
Its still going to cost you a grand or more depending on the size of the shop.

Here in WA I probably would be asking one of the local inspectors to do a check as well. Its a couple grand fine (for the sparky) for not submitting the correct paperwork and more if they find faults.