
Reply: 1
From: Sim' Hampel

Whoops... I misread the first paragraph on that page...

"IT is an organised fraud worth billions of dollars and it involves the systematic fleecing of thousands of ordinary Australians..."

I read that as:

"Information Technology is an organised fraud worth billions of dollars and it involves the systematic fleecing of thousands of ordinary Australians..."

and thought to myself... Yeah ! This should be interesting ! I agree with that sentiment !

*sigh* it was just about 2 tier marketers and such in Qld.

Oh well...


Sim's random kinda-meaningful cliche-quote:
~ ...beware of the dark side. Anger... fear... aggression. The dark side ... are they. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will... ~
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Reply: 1.1.1
From: Sim' Hampel

Right there with ya bro' !

Roll on investments ! Rat Race-less here we come !


Sim's random kinda-meaningful cliche-quote:
~ ...don't give in to hate -- that leads to the dark side... ~
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