My Top 10 DIY Tips for Property Investors!

G'day all,

Let's face it, we all love to save a buck when it comes to maintaining our property investments. With that in mind l've put together a ten part series of My Top 10 DIY Tips designed to help us all save some money by doing the work ourselves.

Below is video one of the series.

Stay tuned for the others to come.

Thanks for watching.

Cheers, Uncle Knackers:)

I've been told to use bog by others (Selleys Plastibog - hardens in 20 mins).

What are your thoughts on using that instead (assuming i have it lying around).

I've been told to use bog by others (Selleys Plastibog - hardens in 20 mins).

What are your thoughts on using that instead (assuming i have it lying around).

Mate, bogs ok but l'd much rather use one of the methods mentioned in the video. Reasons being that they are just as strong, if not stronger than the bog and the process is much quicker, cheaper and without the mess. Thanks for the question. Cheers.