NSW Per Sqm Building rates??

Hey Everyone,

Im looking to the SS gang to help me understand the construction costs at present?

South Coast NSW, Wollongong area-

Low, standard finishes building construction costs?

Ive been working with a builder for the last few years at $1900 per SQM and I'm wondering if have ground to negotiate a cheaper rate?
Thanks everyone, ok looks like I'm paying way to much.

Shahin- do you have any builders you would recommend? I'll give them a call
CDC commercial development?:confused:

The size and setup of the site allows my 4 villas residential finance, each are already subdivided and allocated lots.

It's 4 small loans piled into one- pre approved already that way.
Complying development - i.e. bypass the council and build quicker.

What are the land sizes?

We looked into this with the local council, it is complying however the local council hasn't yet adopted or 'rolled out' as they say this incentive in this area.

Its been approved, cc in atm.

The blocks were purchased side by side, 3 vacant lots- 2 @550 and 1 at @610 sqm- We then rezoned the larger block and added a 4th villa using the granny flat method. SO its 3 separate D/A's and CC's one with a granny making our 4 freestanding. Builders fencing off all lots for construction of 4 together.

If we can find one between $1600 and $1700 per sqm that is!