NSW Planning Reforms Postponed

Bad news for any developers in NSW.

The NSW Government has done a big backflip and has massively undermined the proposed changes to the Planning System.

Key points are
1) State wide codes can be modified to suit a local area by a Council. I'm seeking confirmation on whether this will undermine exempt and complying development codes and the Affordable Rental Housing Code (Granny Flats)

2) The proposed code assessable development (easier approvals) will only be in the NW Growth Corridor, and for Council that nominate for it

3) Code assessable targets removed

4) Appeal rights are to remain.

Plus some other changes.

The media release is here:

The UDIA review is here


It basically means that instead of having a simple approval path for development you will continue to have to struggle through pointless red tape.

I'm incredibly disappointed in the gutless backdown by the government on this matter.