Perth, 1 or 2 bedroom units?

Thanks for your comments.

I have spend enough time, its just for confidence that I was thinking about BA for the first property, as I have already done some research, so thought BA would be to validate the info and was bit unsure regarding putting offer hence was thinking is it worth paying BA as there is risk of ending up paying bit higher.

if you want a good buyer's agent, have a chat to Momentum Wealth.

In Perth, CG and units can be hit and miss. Best to use a local's advice or a dedicated buyer's agent.

Real estate licence.

Apparently not easy to become a BA, in WA you need 3 years experience working in a RE company and I believe the course can cost as much as $9000.

Cheers MTR

Going slightly off topic again, where do spotters fee's fit in with this? Carly Crutchfield talks about getting spotters fee for developers before she started developing herself. How do the ATO feel about that as an income producing venture? I guess it wouldn't fall under Real Estate Institute? Or do you have to be a real estate agent to claim spotters fee?
I recently used a Buyers Agent in Perth when the listing agent wouldn't take my offer (yes I know completely NOT ON!). Using BA in Perth is practically unheard of but they are around. They work on % and mine was a friend who is a RE and has given me a lot of trusted advice in my hunt for good IPs - sales data, housing commission location data, zoning information, covenant searches you name it - very thorough.

Big news in Perth is the light rail line intended to be completed within 5 years which should increase values along it - but you don't want to be directly on it :)