Property Investigator In Court?

From: Alan Hill

I know what your saying TW.

My personal view is that PI's 'reports' are written by an individual and therefore will probably have some personal bias, as they probably would if any of us wrote something.

PI's Reports to me are simply one input for me to gain some additional information and I think PI would probably agree that is all they are meant to be. Can't get enough information though can we? It's up to us to do our own additional research though. I rarely rely on one source of information or one quote for anything!

This is primarily a forum on Property Investment and therefore by definition what we are doing involves relatively big money and entails risk. We owe it to ourselves and our families to get as much information as possible before we act in this area. Otherwise, as you said in your family situation, the results can be pretty dramatic.

To this end, I have no problem in receiving PI's Reports and to be honest since he's presumably even paying to attend some seminars, preparing a report and now even paying legal fees to provide this information for nothing, I say thanks......I'll include it in my due diligence and thanks for taking the time.

Of course Freestylers is also an excellent source of information ;)

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Reply: 7
From: Anonymous

PI's reports are obviously based on his (her?) personal experience, impression and opinion of the 'target' company, but that should not totally negate the validity of the report, if only because it's better than nothing, and as you say, we need all the information we can get to better do our due diligence etc.

TW makes a good point about what exactly is an excessive profit (the easy answer is to look at the big 4 banks' bottom line!) but in the PI business, it's not so easy. I think the main point is one of disclosure - openly showing any documents a client may want to see and openly state what the fees are, either as a $$ amount or a %age. The client can then decide if it's worth it - there are many people out there who need that helping hand and don't have the knowledge and experience of TW and others and are prepared to pay for 'professional advice' - how much is up to them.

I personally think that PI is doing an invaluable service, which, as previously stated, must be costing not a few dollars in seminar & legal fees plus a helluva lot of time. I have spoken to or had contact with quite a few of the companies on his original list and the reports are an additional opinion to those I may I may have formed. And the reports are free! All power to him/her - and thanks.

A bit off topic - I have had the same experience as TW re helping friends and relatives avoid expensive mistakes, and then they go off and listen to someone else and get mightily stung. Must be the way I tell it, I guess.

So.. PI.. how's it going? what's new on the legal front? when can we expect the next report?
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