
Dear guys,

From today's AFR. What will this do to competition?



Online agency buys rival

Internet real estate listing service has surged ahead in the lucrative internet property listings battle with the takeover of from RP Data. By Tina Perinotto and Fiona Tyndall (Jun 03) » Full report
Monopoly is never a good thing.

I don't like's price structure as it is, and there is certainly very little innovation in what they have to offer as a search engine. Now with an effective monopoly, there is even less incentive to innovate, and they can charge what they like.
Will make less useful as a tool for finding property.

It will stifle competition & make many agents feel they HAVE to be in it....but they won't expend the energy to make their listings effective.

As it is, I find that around 50% of listings in the site are old or misleading.....this will worsen.

They may sort out the issues - but frankly it is not a positive move for the industry or for investors.


I normally use rather than as I had previously thought they were significantly larger (as far as listings etc are concerned). Does anybody know whether they are related (same owners)? Does this mean will now take the lead?

Glenn, touted a 50%+ market share in most metro markets at least two years's significantly dominant in the market.

I expect to see some more posts by L Bernham ramping his shares in the company ;)


Aceyducey was developed jointly by the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and a number of Victoria’s leading real estate agents. Launched in May 2001, it is wholly owned and operated by the real estate industry.

I think this might answer your question.

They are nowhere near as big as ... they might have good listings in parts of Victoria, but in my focus suburbs (in Sydney and Adelaide), they had no listings at all, whereas there are currently dozens of properties on the market in those areas.
GlennM said:
I normally use rather than as I had previously thought they were significantly larger (as far as listings etc are concerned). Does anybody know whether they are related (same owners)? Does this mean will now take the lead?

NO they are not related. is a listed company

realestateview was started by the REIV and is owned by member real estate companies mainly (?only) in Victoria. has by far the most properties for sale and lease and more visitors. is about 10% of the size.

It is interesting...our agency Metropole Property Management has about 20 properties for lease at any one time. We initially advertised on the biggest site - real A few weeks ago we started advertising all properties on as well (by the way all the ads are at our expense - we don't charge for internet advertising)

I really wanted to know if it would bring more enquiries and it did. There are some people who only look up and don't look at other sites and vice versa.
In Canberra, we have one well recognised internet sales site ( It is well regarded in the area.

The local PM very rarely finds it worth while advertising in newspapers any more (as distinct from sales, where newspaper advertising is still probably the main selling medium.
Just got the news yesterday that just bought from RP Data. is also linked with and other website portals.

I would suggest is about to get bigger. I haven't heard any formal announcements yet.

Kev is a hell of a lot more user friendly than most of the other sites out there, particularly agents.

For some, you have to re key in info repeatedly, and on some, one cannot view "all" the listings, you have to individually click on house, then unit, then land, then industrial, then rural, etc, even when there may be no listings at all!

At least you can sort things out by price, area, and include the surrounding areas. Is nice and fast in that respect.

As much as I hate monopolies, if they swallow all the minnows, then we can search everywhere at once!
wrappack said:
As much as I hate monopolies, if they swallow all the minnows, then we can search everywhere at once!

Though it will never fully happen, this step might bring us a step closer to a 'perfect market', where sales information is more evenly spread amongst the participants.

'Perfect markets' sound a tad boring for me ; ) And the idea of imperfect markets, where there's greater unevenness of information, is somehow more appealing, due to the increased chance of uncovering an undervalued property, suburb or town : ))

Regards, Peter
Rp data --- I'm not happy...


I was reading the thread and somone said.... "monopoly"

Well... i not a happy camper... at present... has sold out to

and all property information is now controlled by the same company

abr was a low cost way to access property info in qld

now rp data has taken over and is increasing their access fees

abr and citi-tec are history....

Ross not only that but they dumped the better system.

ABR was far superior to RPData.

ABR showed boundary measurments - RPData you have to add them by hand
ABR showed easements by a click of a button - RPData do not have an option
ABR allowed easy radial searches for sales - RPData is a pain in the ....

But its done so we have to put up with a inferior system like it or not.

Now where is that violin ............
plainsong said:
They might even do something about the awful spelling on that site, but I guess its too much to hope for.

Ah yes, that really gets my goat! If I have to read that one more property is "highly sort after" or I'll regret it if I "loose the opportunity", I'll scream! Too many agents not doing spell checks before they place ads does not come across well at all!!
i agree the only think i dislike more than bad spelling is bad punctuation i also dont like it if people cant be bothered with punctuation grammer apostrophies commas and full stops dont these people realise that is is hard to read their ramblings it is almost as annoying as the shouters whos caps lock is permanently set to on just to annoy me nly thng wrse thn thse pple r thos who spll by mssing letrs n spl like txt mesg dnt lke thm wsh u all nt lke them
W H A T S Y O U R E P R O B L E M W R A P P A C K , G O T S O M E T H I N G A G A I N S T P E O P L E W H O D O N T L I K E T O O P U S H T H E C A P S L O C K K E Y?