Selecting a builder in Perth

All seemed on a par in terms of price. Price wasn't much of a factor. We were looking for a company that is happy to build with the material we select and willing to work with us. Having a very talented designer was what got the selected company over the line.

Why don't you tell them exactly this?
If you can inform a builder of anything without swearing, you are already being nicer then the vast majority of clients/trades/suppliers we deal with on a regular basis.
If you can inform a builder of anything without swearing, you are already being nicer then the vast majority of clients/trades/suppliers we deal with on a regular basis.
Well... I do have a potty mouth, but none of the builders did anything swear worthy. In responding, I wanted to try to not to be too vague but also not too blunt. For example, "My partner and myself just didn't get the right vibe from you" is not particularly helpful. Likewise, "we just didn't like the plans of the houses you built" isn't very fair because I know that clients sign off on the plans and it's not their fault if their clients are dumb. That's where the whole thing becomes quite uncertain because plans/materials and finishes are all driven by the customer with contract builders, so if the customer wants something ugly or a really awkward plan, how is that the builders fault?

Anyway, I appreciate peoples input and managed to put together a response that was polite without being too dismissive or vague.