Solar Power on a rental - how to charge?

we use the below company, will get you the best returns on solar on an investment property.

we have a number of owners using this service and no complaint so far.

one owner with a larger system is getting an extra $25pw return + full rent.

have a chat to kieran and let him run the numbers on what they do and how you benefit.
Solar on rental properties

I recently attended NCAT (NSW Tribunal) in regards to solar and credits. The power can be kept in the landlords name to claim the credits, and the tenant is responsible for all other charges (I.e usage, supply costs) but it is recommended that if you are going to do this you atleast give the tenants any discounts (Pay on time) that they would normally receive. I have several owners who will give back a % of the rebate for power going back into the grid (5% of the total amount) as this is not costing them anything and the tenants appreciate it and tend to pay the accounts on time and in full as well as take care of the property better.