Squatters Handbook

From: Jas

Hey all

Just found this and thought I’d post an extract or two… Spelling mistakes are theirs

Squatters Handbook

Tenancy with a signed lease doesn't actually provide much more secutrity than squatting, though gives a legal recognition to the occupant. Tenancy laws generally though are there to protect the property owners, NOT the tenants necesarily.
Landowners arbitrarily raise rents and many a tenant knows the possibility of maintenance and repairs from most land owners and estate agents. Real Estate agents discriminate against single parents, young, old, low income earners and anyone who isn't pret ty well capable of actually buying a house.

Private developers keep houses empty so that they can make a fast buck, or maintain the 'market rent' by limiting the available housing. Greedy individuals own houses that are left empty because they don't need them to live in.

Finding empty houses is generally pretty easy, an unkempt look, mail oozing out of the mailbox, overgrown garden, power off (check the electricity meter to see if the powers on), broken windows and doors etc. You should always knock on the door before ent ering or when checking out a house. Sometimes old people are living in their home without electricity in rundown states.

It can sometimes take quite sometime for owners to realise that anyone is occupying the house, anything from a few hours to a day to a few weeks even. This time should be used for getting the house together, fixing things up, checking the wiring and water etc. It's a good idea to get services such as electricity and gas on as quickly as possible, so you can cook and maintain a life at your new home. Try to keep the house occupied constantly for the first few days and weeks or until you come to some agreem ent over remaining there with the owner

First thig to do is change the locks and secure the house. Most barrel locks are easily replaced with a few tools (screwdriver, hacksaw, pliers etc) and are available from hardware shops. Deadlocks may have to sawn off and replaced totally, these cost mor e but are more secure. Doors or windows that can't be immediately repaired can have wood or board nailed on them to provide temporary security.

If the plumbing is n't in tact, hoses and clamps can be used for at least temporary plumbing.

Things you can do to resist eviction include
• Barricade yourself in. This can however be dangerous to your health, as the cops are generally more 'pissed-off' when they get in and arrest is much more likely, the police may take many days to evict a heavily barricaded squat.
The full thing can be found at http://www.cat.org.au/housing/book.htm


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