Stairway to hell

Can anyone help with this one.

I'm real interested in an old colonial house that would make an excellent 5 bedroom IP.

But, being built in 1860 it has a stair case that is almost vertical leading to one bedroom (It must be at least 70 degrees). To ensure maximal injury it also has tiny steps, as was the custom in them thar days.

The place is Heritage listed and probably National Trust too (not completely sure on that one).

The stairs COULD be changed but at considerable cost and probable loss of the smallest bedroom beneath.


If a tennant breaks their neck on those stairs how liable/negligent do you think I would be? Can anyone think of a good solution - other than writing a "Be Careful" sign and not allowing anyone over 0.00 g/dL blood alcohol use the stairs?? I would really like to use that bedroom to get the yield up!


ever heard the phrase slum lord....

btw l would say your insurance co would prob not want the room used a bedroom but maybe storage..

then what the tennant does after that is their problem