Store people that don't listen!

I haven't lost sleep over it for weeks and weeks now. I suppose you simply jam the whole mess in your pocket, or perhaps change in wallet, coin in pocket and put the receipt ... ?

Yes...this is exactly what I do.

Correct Way. Sure Shop Assistant 101 when service meant more than 'have a nice day'

Who says this is the correct way?

Purchase price $10.50. You hand over $50 for example
SA - handing you 50c
10.50, 11
handing you $2
handing you another $2
handing you $5
handing you 20
handing you 10
and your receipt. In the bag?
have a nice day

See how much better that is for you. You don't have to count the bundle of change in your hand to see if it adds up to the receipt AND you know instantly and so does the poor shop assistant that you're receiving the correct change.

I can actually count my change quite quickly to check if I have received to correct amount. I don't even need a calculator!:D

Instead - we get

Purchase $10.50
innumerate shop assistant reads amount to give as change on til
counts that amount out into their hand and grabs receipt
You open hand
your outstretched hand receives, notes, coins, in reverse of whatever order they took it from the til. then their other hand puts your receipt on top of this pile.
Have a nice day

Excuse me I gave you a 50 not a 20
Oh I'll get the manager.
(continues serving next customer)
manager confers with sales assistant
Oh we'll have to wait until after the tills close to see if they are over $50. Can you come back then?

No I never lose sleep over that sort of thing. Every time it happens I just smile and move on.

I doubt very much a shop manager would require you to come back at the end of the day when they check their till:rolleyes:
i add the change to the note at the start as well.

$26.25 cost and i'll hand over $51.25 and they have a heart-a-stroke. is it not obvious i want $25 change...?
i add the change to the note at the start as well.

$26.25 cost and i'll hand over $51.25 and they have a heart-a-stroke. is it not obvious i want $25 change...?
You'd think so, but apparently not. :p

If there are more than a few people who do this, then why do they always look so freaked out, I wonder? Don't they figure it out after the first couple of customers who do it? :confused:
Sorry everyone, I just can't for the life of me understand why the way someone gives you your change could upset you so much.

I mean, honestly, there are many more pressing issues to cause me to lose sleep.

Just out of are we supposed to receive our change the "correct" way?

Years ago I worked in public bar to get some extra cash.

The patrons had a bit of an unsavoury element amongst them, who would try to scam you whenever possible.

One they used to try was to give you a $10 note, and say they gave you a $50 note when you gave them change.

Another was they would pull out a $50 note, wave it around in fornt of you as you got their drinks, and then they would quietly put the $50 back and pull out a $10 or whatever, and try the same trick again.

Of course; you are "conditioned" momentarily to remember the $50, and if you were not concentrating would miss the switch, an believe what they told you.

I was trained by the owner of the pub before starting work to be aware of these tricks, and to always put their tendered cash on the till as you counted their change. No chance of a con. It was a sackable offense if he caught you not doing it too.

Then we would count out the change back to them starting with the smallest coins and working up to the biggest, then the smallest notes to the biggest.

I have always done it this way, and still do all of this even now. Works fine.
Marc, that is exactly how I learned to give change from when I was 12 and my parents bought a shop.

Now the only time I give change is at high school tuck shop and I do the "dump it in their hand" because kids don't want to stand around waiting for me to count it back to them. When I have done so, they just look at me like I am a bit odd. They just want to eat that huge doughnut they have just bought.

Also, at school tuckshop there are always 59 other kids kind of pushing them aside and THEY don't want me to take the time to count the change out either.

I think these days with cash registers that tell the operator how much change to give, it is less important, but at my local baker a day ago with no cash register to tell her how much change to give, the young lass shortchanged me by $5, which would not have happened had she counted it back like I learned as a young lass.

Had I not been "on the ball" I would have paid $5 more than necessary just because some young girl didn't know how to give change from a $50 note. If she does that a few times each day and the "dump it in the hand" thing means an extra $5 each time that the "shove it in your pocket" person doesn't notice, that is a nice little earner.

Perhaps it is just that we are "old farts" :D.
Or even worse, the dump it in a pile on the counter, just millimetres from your outstretched hand, but not actually in your hand. Grrr!

(where do I sign up for Old Farts Anonymous?):)
Sorry everyone, I just can't for the life of me understand why the way someone gives you your change could upset you so much.

for those of us, who use wallets instead of just dumping everything in their pocket it is very frustrating. you are holding a wallet in on hand (in some cases car keys as well, and get a handful of coins and paper into your other hand. how the hell are you supposed to put it into your wallet (let alone count the change)?
Generally, I just assume that I'm getting the right change and don't worry about counting it. Swings and roundabouts, y'know?

My wallet is one of those thin leather ones that doesn't hold coins. Just notes, my license, and bank cards. Coins go straight into my pocket and then into a jar at home which gets taken to the bank about once a month to exchange for real money. Receipts, I'll usually turf immediately unless I might need them on file.

No point worrying about the little things, surely?


Or, if it does matter that much to you, pay by card instead :p
So true Tracey. I remember working in Coles as my very first job way back before they had tills that calculated the change. We actually had to calculate the change ourselves! In our heads! Using our *gasp* brains! :eek:

Then we had to count the change back to the customer rounding up to the next highest dollar amount so coins went into their hand first followed by notes and then the receipt.

I learnt more maths working as a checkout chick than I did at school.

Back years ago now, we had a Rollerskating Rink. Both my kids worked there. They were 8 & 10 years of age. The youngest would DJ, repair skates, serve at the front entry. The eldest used to work the canteen and help with birthday parties.

We had a cash register, but it was always too slow when things were busy. So, we used to add up in our head & give change by using brain power. I remember testing out the eldest on a regular basis to see how good her maths skills were by doing the following:

Customer wants 2 paddle pops, a meat pie, a large coke, a small coke and a mars bar. They give you $50. How much change do you give?

You know, she was always quick to give an answer, and it was always right.

There is nothing more frustrating than going into a shop to be served by someone who cannot add two numbers together or work out change. It is a basic skill and I think all those in retail should be able to do it. I mean, what happens when the cash register isn't working?
Hey Guys,

Just a sec, i'm one of the pimply teens behind the counter (okay, minus the pimples), but i tend to just press exact change all the time, i'm quite quick with numbers in my head.
I put the recipt on the bottom biggest notes first then change, whenever i'm given $100 or more, i count out the change to them, same if they get $50 or more cash out.

As for i'll get the manager, i'm one of the few crew members that can sit around with my managers and talk or go to the pub with them etc, so i just do it myself, i know how to do refunds etc, and my when i tell my manager they just tell me to do it.

And just yesterday at work i was in Cafe and had a 20min long conversation with one of the customers (yes no one else was there), she told me she was 54, he son (23) died earlier this year from kidney failure, he Mum died 9 years ago from emphysema, her dad died in 1986, how she was in a 13 year relationship with a man who abused her, and that i should never go down the road she has i've got plenty of time left in me and do what makes me happy..

So i'm pretty sure i listen..

Although i have a bad habit, if you're rude to me, i'm not exactly patient or welcoming!!!
My current peeve of sales staff is the ones who arent willing to believe you know what you are talking about.

Example 1.
- Witzl enters volvo parts dealership, asks for axle bearings to suit a Volvo 240 rear end, aka, "1031 type diff".
- Parts jockey says, "need the VIN number"
- Witzl says, "no idea, i pulled the diff from a wreck and im using it in a turbo corolla. Im sure you can use your electronic parts catalogue to look it up"
- Parts jocket says "nup. Need the VIN. Sorry cant help you".
- Witzl leaves.

Example 2:
- Witzl enters JR Turks, asks "can i please have a trailling edge dimmer for a clipsal light switch"
- Salesman - "are you a sparkie?"
- Witzl - "nope, but I would like to purchase a trailling edge dimmer please. I can see it there behind you"
- Salesman - "but you dont know what you are doing. I cant sell it to you because of workcover n'that"
- Witzl - *grabs piece of paper, scrawls down the required circuit wiring diagram for adding a trailing edge dimmer to an existing light switch circuit*... "this is what i am doing".
- Salesman - "whoa, i dunno what you are doing there!"
- Witzl - "well perhaps you should not be selling such products to ANYONE, since you are incompetent. Now, please give me the dimmer, and i will give you some money".
..... silence.....
- *Store manager walks over* - "here, i'll give you trade price for it. Sorry about this guy being a dumbarse".

... some people.......GRRRRR
i like stumping people with their own stupidity. kudos.

BC enters subway for lunch - orders 6in roll. no change.
"we can't take transactions less than $10 with eftpos"
"why is there no sign?"
"it's just store policy"
"okay then - how do you propose i pay for this then?"
"you can add a drink and cookie - that'll make it $10.90"

"or you could put $10 thru the till, and give me $3.20 change...."
BC enters subway for lunch - orders 6in roll. no change.
"we can't take transactions less than $10 with eftpos"
"why is there no sign?"
"it's just store policy"
"okay then - how do you propose i pay for this then?"
"you can add a drink and cookie - that'll make it $10.90"

"or you could put $10 thru the till, and give me $3.20 change...."

I don't get it. Read it 4 times, so you can't say I didn't try.
I think the subway was $6.80
So put the EFPOS through for $10 and give him $3.20 change... I understand!

Well that's what I thought at first, but then his phrase 'through the till' threw me off, because I don't think of the eftpos machine going anywhere near the actual till, but rather just connected to the bank via a phone line. My mistake.