Strata Title


Can any1 give me an idea of how much would it cost to divide a block of say 5 apartments on one title into strata titled apartments?

Hi Iggy,


varies alot!

I see you're in syd, are the units? if so check out SEPP10
probably not possible.


Hi Iggy,

A few more details please. Some blocks cannot be strata titled for structural and other regulatory reasons.

You will need some of the following and more;

- compliance with the BCA or cost of compliance
- a survey of the building for strata purposes
- local council requirements and restrictions
- a valuer to allocate unit entitlement
- the restrictions on title

I am currently doing a strata of an existing development and will get out of it for approximately $5,000 (ACT) and that includes some modifications to carparking arrangements to comply with local regs. The $5k (plus two days leg work) will add $110k to the value.


sorry I forgot to include some info :)

This block is in QLD.

I am expecting the cost to be 25k (if it's less, that's more $ in my pocket!!! ;) )