Success rate to appeal against removing backyard tree?

Your partly right. Roundup is fairly harmless. But it's mixed with detergent to make the mixture 'wetter', or so it will disperse over the leaves of plants. The detergent is harmfull, just like dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent, and the detergent will harm frogs.

I'd call roundup envirnomentally friendly. If you compare my farm and soil now with what it was 20 years ago when we had to plough up weeds I'd reckon it is. Dry ploughed up soil is pretty barren. Now it's full of microbs and worms and quails live amongst the stubbles.

See ya's.

quail, yummy we used to eat these by the csserole dish full:D
We also had a group of Italians or was it Greeks that would come to our farm from Melb once a year to get their bag full