Tall poppy syndrome on somersoft or am I just paranoid?

No mention of concern that you will be hounded or harrased, seen as a 'mark' for a shyster

Being a "mark" is one thing I have NEVER worried about. I have never been one to follow in some-one else's footsteps or be guided by another so I think being taken in by a shyster is very unlikely.

I can get "harrased" but so far that has been a pleasant experience apart from one time after speaking at a seminar getting a call at home from a guy you interrogated me and accused me of being a fraud. The funny thing was at the time I had not yet reached a million and if I was going to fake it I would have given myself as least a couple of million.:D
I've found that you can learn something from anyone!

We all have different skills, backgrounds, knowledge bases and abilities

Sure you can! But if you're trying to learn something specific (i.e. how to be successful / rich), there's not much point learning how to basket-weave from the broke lady next door.
I've only posted a couple of times on this forum, but I am like a woman obsessed and I read this forum every day. I have had such fun reading this post and I appreciate everyone's candid responses. It's not a pissing competition and I feel I can gain something from everybody - but it's up to me to decide what to use and to discard. I am so grateful for this forum and grateful you success stories are happy to share your knowledge. It may take a decade or two, but it inspires me to think, "maybe me, someday" ...

Thanks all...
I've only posted a couple of times on this forum, but I am like a woman obsessed and I read this forum every day.
I'm glad you're enjoying the forum, and hope you post more often. No need to lurk! I'm sure that you have valuable contributions to make, even if it's about your aesthetic preferences, which parts of town are nice/not nice to live in, or encouragement/support. :) Everybody can contribute something useful to Somersoft.
I've only posted a couple of times on this forum, but I am like a woman obsessed and I read this forum every day. I have had such fun reading this post and I appreciate everyone's candid responses. It's not a pissing competition and I feel I can gain something from everybody - but it's up to me to decide what to use and to discard. I am so grateful for this forum and grateful you success stories are happy to share your knowledge. It may take a decade or two, but it inspires me to think, "maybe me, someday" ...

Thanks all...

Run....Run now...and never look back before the addiction that is SS forum takes control of you...:D
Yeah someone replied to my post when I had missed him a couple of weeks ago. Said he was taking a well earned rest (forget who said it)
Most people i know do not have IP's, and the couple that do are older and have much less. I can't talk about IP's to any of them, as after about 5 seconds their eye's will glaze over, or i just get thier theories which are not negotiable. I feel like jumping up & down and bragging about what i've got sometimes, i really feel like a tall poppy around them, but i don't talk about it irl unless directly asked by people, cos i don't want to show off.

Reading about the success stories here however, brings me down to earth, it makes me realise that i could be doing much better. It's very inspirational, and a real kick up the bum.

So don't stop talking about your achievements guys, it's really good to have people to look up to & learn from. Congratulations on your achievements, and thanks for sharing :D
We are the only people in our entire combined families with IP's. My brother has a few worthless shares and a wine collection. Funnily, he keeps buying more shares, despite his dismal history.

And my Auntie has a holiday caravan at Metung, and that's about it.

Everyone now knows about our stuff, but it hasn't been us bragging about them that has allowed them to find out - it is hard to keep it a secret.

My mother did give me a serve for not telling her though.

But interestingly, not one family member has come forward and asked how we've done it or asked for advice to do the same.
I hear ya LAA. Over the years, a lot of family and friends have seen my wealth rise with business and investing and they have lost money in the stock market, property or just spent it on doodads with debt and/or taken out LOCs on their home equity and blown it on crap.

Funny thing is, not once have they asked me how i've done it, I find that attitude bizarre. I don't offer info unless i'm asked and they never ask me.

I know people don't like to let on that they don't know stuff. They are destined to be ignorant and get nowhere.

In 1999 i picked up a business associate for lunch in my Beemer and she said "ewww, arent we lucky" in a drawn out whiny voice.

I replied, "where does the luck come into it"

She looked at me with the dumbest look and didn't answer.

I will never forget it and it will forever stick in my mind as a first hand example of how most of society think about money.

I also have a friend who reckons all wealthy people are unethical liars (implying i am too). He has been at the same job for 20 years in the same position and wont listen to anything i try to tell him. I lent him an RK book years ago and he said it was rubbish. Bizarre! At least have an open mind to it mate. I suppose thats half the problem.

You just have to leave some people behind in your life.

Happily most people on this forum don't think like that and are on the way - or are already at - a happy and wealthy life.

But interestingly, not one family member has come forward and asked how we've done it or asked for advice to do the same.
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Yep. Echo your sentiments evand.

Yeah.....you're so lucky to have a beemer. That business associate probably spent more time planning her vacations than she did planning her life/future. You were lucky because when opportunities came your way you optimised the outcomes by being prepared.

Unfortunately we are constantly being given negative messages about wealth. When was the last time you saw a movie or a tv show portray a rich person as warm, happy, loving, giving/generous?

It makes for better entertainment to pander to the sheeple and tell a story about a lying cheating rich ogre (some people's deifinition of a landlord). The news media also love to tell stories about minority of business leaders who are greedy and are going to jail.

Rarely do you read about the countless wealthy and successful people who are providing jobs, housing, goods and services, etc. Many of the wealthy people I know are quite well adjusted and are also the ones who give the most and without blowing their bugle, they are discreet and often anonimous when giving to charity and supporting causes.

As a society, it seems many love to see successful people fail (harvesting the poppies to dirt level) because it lets them off the hook and validating the fact that they are not doing more with their own lives.

It is so true that we create our own luck.
I dont have that Beemer anymore but it was a nice one. My reply to her would have been "its not luck, its hard work, taking risks, educating myself, research etc etc" but most people don't want to hear that stuff. They just want to think we are lucky.

Michael, when i was reading your post another occurrence popped in my head. A friend of my wife - when we were discussing rich people - a year or so ago said "at least we are happy" referring to herself and her family.

I answered "what makes you think rich people aren't happy" and she couldn't answer. People hate it when you dig a little deeper into what they are saying and try to find the reason why. I love doing that because most people dont have a valid reason why, its just the dumb way they think and if you scratch the surface theres nothing there.
Yeah.....the "at least we're happy" spiel. More golden handcuffs validating their lack mentality. Even worse, ..."we may not be rich, but at least we're honest".

Happiness is an inside job. Heard Bob Proctor say once that money is merely a magnifier. If we're not happy before we accumulate our riches, money will probably make us more miserable as the mindset of the victims comes from there "never being enough."

Evidenced by the fact that many people are so financially illiterate and lack responsibility...........a large proportion of lotto winners usually blowing it all and actually ending up more in debt after their big wins than before.
yes, very true. I like that saying that if all the money in the world was divided and given equally to all the people in the world. In 5 years time it would all be back where it started (or something like that).

Which shows that mindset is the problem and supports your Lotto statement.

Evidenced by the fact that many people are so financially illiterate and lack responsibility...........a large proportion of lotto winners usually blowing it all and actually ending up more in debt after their big wins than before.
Happiness is an inside job. Heard Bob Proctor say once that money is merely a magnifier.

I wasn't sure who said that but I definitely prescribe to it!

A person on an average wage who loves wildlife might rescue birds and nurse them at home. A multi millionaire might set up a santury (if such a person is on TV there is usually so refereence to their wealth because they don't look like the stereotype)

A personal on an average wage who likes being flashy might wear slick suits, too much jewelery and drive a car they think will impress. A multimillionaire might have their own jet, multiple homes and fly girlsfriends to exotic locations for dates.

For some-one like Dame Murdock wealth means having so much more to give!

I think we all get a bit defensive because most likely we are being judged by what that person thinks being a millionaire is. If they have not thought it through it will be be the stereotype they have been sold by the media.