Tax Return / Accounting recommendations.

I'm considering a change of accountants.

Nothing against my accountant, he has always done a great job as far as I know, but he doesn't come cheap and money is a little tighter these days.

Last year cost me $500 ($200 per hour accounting fee).
I believe my situation is fairly straight forward. I'm a full time employee and own one investment property. No big numbers here.
I try to provide all relevant information and details to make the job as quick and painless as possible.
My return last year was roughly $3,500

I'm happy to pay for a good service, but I feel as though I might be getting my '91 honda civic serviced at a Ferrari dealership.

I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge of filing my own tax return. The idea scares and confuses me.
Any recommendations for a more cost effective method/accountant.?

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne.

Thanks all.
For SS I never normally quote a hourly rate. Its a bit misleading to the client. Its like selling timber by the kilogram. I try to identify what is needed, what I have to do and work to an agreed fee. If I get it wrong that's my loss. I think after all these years I should get it right most times.