I'll be getting a $4,200 tax return very soon! I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I was struggling for a few months there but now with this return I am not sinking anymore. I feel this is my 2nd chance to start over as I lost my weigh (spelt incorrectly on purpose) for a while there but now I am back on track! I have learnt a lot this past year. Some hard lessons! So glad things are working out now! I guess this is how you learn isn't it!? By making mistakes! For so long I was concentrating on losing weight thats all I focused on and forgot other important parts of my life!
How much tax return are you getting? Will it be a big relief for you? Would love to hear your stories and/or past experiences!
This is not a time for me to become complacent. I am managing my money now, living below my means again and cutting costs right down in lots of areas! I have applied for a 2nd job too which will help immensly!
I found out that my IP cost me $158 per fortnight to hold last financial year. This is something that is affordable for me however I was living above my means and thus struggled. Now that I'm back on track with my spending habits I'll easily be able to manage this amount per fortnight. It should be a little less expensive come January too because of a rental increase.
Life is good!
How much tax return are you getting? Will it be a big relief for you? Would love to hear your stories and/or past experiences!
This is not a time for me to become complacent. I am managing my money now, living below my means again and cutting costs right down in lots of areas! I have applied for a 2nd job too which will help immensly!
I found out that my IP cost me $158 per fortnight to hold last financial year. This is something that is affordable for me however I was living above my means and thus struggled. Now that I'm back on track with my spending habits I'll easily be able to manage this amount per fortnight. It should be a little less expensive come January too because of a rental increase.
Life is good!