The Strata Group From Hell

From: Duncan M

We have 2 units in the same strata group.. the past week has uncovered a fraudlent use of funds by the Treasurer/Secretary, forged Invoices with cheque butts and details not matching..

Following that it turns out that our common areas power bill jumped from $50 per quarter to $1000 per quarter.. a diligent investigation by the Strata President uncovered a tenant owned marijuana crop in the previously unused common garden shed.. Police not called, tenant persuaded to remove crop and to repay the $1000 which he did, money given to Treasurer/Secretary alas, it doesnt appear to have all gone into the Strata Bank Account.. and the common areas power bill is still $300 per quarter!

Still, the Secretary/Treasurer has now resigned and is selling his Unit, maybe I can pick it up cheaply :)

Beware the self managed strata groups! With 21 units in this complex some reasonably significant monies involved from year to year, meeting in 10 days time, will be pushing to have the management of the group outsourced..

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Reply: 1
From: Michael Croft

Hi Duncan,

Fraud is, or can be if reported, a criminal offence. So help the person on their way by having the body corp report it - you may find the price you pay for the unit improves with police action ;^)

Michael Croft
"The best parachute folders are those who jump themselves."
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Reply: 2
From: Kelly 1

Just out of curiosity, are there many strata groups that are managed professionally? What sort of protection is there for unit owners if the strata manager is some sort of professional? ie., to stop him / her running off with all the money?
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Reply: 2.1
From: Joanna K


I do believe that by law, strata records must be audited every 12 months.

For any one out there who suspects that something is not right with their self managed strata, you can go to the Strata Titles commission and have them appoint an auditor or strata manager.

Kind regards

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