vegetation protection overlay

HI All,

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience building on a block with a Vegetation Protection Overlay in Monash City Council area (or other areas in Melbourne). Looking for some general advice regarding how "reasonable" the council is with the removal of trees for a new build... Or have you just removed the trees anyway without any specific permit.

I got 5 trees in front of the property and two of them are higher than 10M.

This is what i found from Council but if i go with permit will that stop or what will happen if i cut all without the permit?

• The tree presents an immediate risk of danger, personal injury or damage to property
• The tree is dead
• Is one of the following species; All willow species /Radiata or Monterey Pines/ Evergreen Alders/
Sweet Pittosporums/Desert Ash

If the trees meet council's requirements for removal you will require an arborist report to back your case. If you cut them down with out approval you risk a fine. Most tree fellers are pretty green and won't chop down trees without permits.
I just finished cutting several large trees in my property. I didn't tell council. They were massive and dangerous, that's good enough for me.
Arm yourself with an aborist's report

There are a number of reputable arborists around who can prepare a report for you. This is the strongest evidence to use when seeking Council's consent to remove/trim vegetation under a protection overlay.

Here's how to find an internationally accredited arborist:

Good luck! :)


Note: the above is general information and should not be considered as legal advice.