Victorian state election Nov 29 2014

I think someone has just outed himself.

'Strawmanning'-discourse tactics of MRAs/manosphere:

"The problem I run into with that they'll accuse me of straw manning their argument as a default tactic. If I had a dollar for every time I've been accused unjustifiably of straw manning then I wouldn't need a job. A recent example was the guy who claimed that I was denying evolutionary theory because I said that having sex wasn't a human need despite the fact that reproduction is needed for species continuation. Ironically, this was a straw man of my argument, and then he accused me of straw manning him when I pointed out the fact that his argument rested on the naturalistic fallacy that, just because mammals have sex to procreate that having sex is a biological need (presumably like eating and drinking, i.e., you wouldn't survive without it and it's cruel/inhumane to withhold it). It's not a straw man because species continuation is exactly what he used to conclude that sex is a human need.

How am I straw manning that? If your argument sounds stupid after I tear it down it's not because I misrepresented it, it's because your argument is stupid! When I destroy your argument you don't just get to be in denial of it by accusing me of a straw man. Your argument sucks. Deal with it and make a better one instead of insisting that my refutation is somehow irrelevant...

My new rule for talking to MRAs is that I will stop talking to them after the first time they falsely accuse me of straw manning them. Because seriously, it's like 10 times per conversation that they do this. I'd also like to point out that if you're going to accuse someone of an informal fallacy then you need to explain. You just can't say "STRAW MAN!" and then continue with your bull****. "
I'd also like to point out that if you're going to accuse someone of an informal fallacy then you need to explain. You just can't say "STRAW MAN!" and then continue with your bull****. "
I did explain. I quoted the straw man & then explained why it wasn't anything to do with LDP principles.
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