Westpac's online Balance Sheet function

Hi all,

Noticed the above when I last went online.

Didn't end up inputting anything as it seemed that you save the info to their site (under your login).

Felt like it would be giving wesuck access to info they didn't necessarily need to know. In a sense, giving them ALL our financial info.

Has anyone else used this function before?

Its essentially an account aggregator. I think they may use the ewise service? I don't think there's anything sinister in it. From memory I think you'll need to use internet explorer as it uses activex.

There's some password magic that goes on in your client end so that it only works (remembers passwords etc) from the machine you previously set up. With that in mind I think you're pretty safe that your friendly bank isn't going to get all big brother on you.

ANZ also have one (ANZ money manager based on yodlee) that goes down to transaction level. You don't even have to be a customer to use it.

I have lots of accounts with westpac and most other ones I've used seem to have a hard time differentiating between the loans/savings +/- which effectively render them pretty useless.
