what is your "why"?


1) Because the Jones has a few properties ;)

2) Negative gearing, it would reduce my tax :p

3) I can talk about how many properties I "owned" (in fact, borrowed money from bank at 100%) at <insert some prestigious locations> in social gatherings, making me feel good.

4) Taxi driver talked me into it.

5) Property price ALWAYS GOES UP.

6) Rent money is dead money, someone is paying for my loan.

7) It is all over TV with all those renovation shows.

8) Everybody is doing it.

For me, it's about financial freedom. There's the saying that the average person is just 2 paychecks away from bankruptcy. I have no intention of being that person. I want to have enough money for a comfortable lifestyle and to be able to pursue various hobbies. And like 4GH1RH, I'd also like to do something philanthropy-related.

Plus I like learning about investing and putting it into practice :)
Totally agree - and kudos.

That's why it's also important to live in the present and enjoy things now too - instead of always focusing on the future (something I'm constantly guilty of).



Your comment really resonated with me - it is so important to have dreams translated into doable goals, to be future focused however what is most important is being present in the moment as its the everyday that takes the most time in our lives - being meaningfully present and enjoying also 'living in the moment' - taking time to notice the small things around us and appreciate them, to do at least two things each day that one enjoys - to travel now not simply wait to retirement if that is a passion for you - to 'be present' and 'live in the moment' as well as being future focused:)