Why is there so much nastiness around

Hello PG, you wrote something yesterday about grumpy old people and frontal lobes, and Rixter wrote about impulse control. I get to work with several clients every day who have "different" frontal lobes and other neurological stuff happening.

A paediatrician told me that when he sees his patients with ADD in their 20s they are completely different people simply because the brain has grown. Having had a teenager with ADD who is now 19, I can attest to that. She now thinks before she does something and is extremely responsible and reliable. Phew.
That's a good point bob.

I wonder if when people are referring to the good old days they're forgetting that the original inhabitants of this land were nearly wiped out and we're not even considered human beings for a long time, that women were second class citizens for a long time, homophobia was a common occurrence and that almost everyone non anglo who came in copped racism.

The above could probably still apply in one form or another even today somewhere

Hello PG, you wrote something yesterday about grumpy old people and frontal lobes, and Rixter wrote about impulse control. I get to work with several clients every day who have "different" frontal lobes and other neurological stuff happening.

Those ideas sent me on a tangent. We regularly get to see headlines asking:
"Is there an ADHD or ASD epidemic?"

Loss of impulse-control is a serious problem for people affected by these medical conditions. I say medical condition as a generic word when talking to my students about their learning disabilities.

I get to spend my days working with 14 and 15 year old urban terrorists, many of whom have very little self control and virtually no executive functioning. We actually spend way more time working on impulse control and teaching social skills than any time spent on academic learning. At school I still get to see the so called normal students, plenty are brain dead anyway. However there are plenty of lovely responsible students who are becoming fine young ladies and gentlemen, all is not lost.

I seem to hear a lot about Asperger syndrome (AS) nowadays also

Things are simpler when...
That's a good point bob.

I wonder if when people are referring to the good old days they're forgetting that the original inhabitants of this land were nearly wiped out and we're not even considered human beings for a long time, that women were second class citizens for a long time, homophobia was a common occurrence and that almost everyone non anglo who came in copped racism.

I'm sure some things genuinely were better then but it does sound a a lot nastier to me too.

Wasn't just these people that got a raw deal, please let's not dishonour the memory of our forefathers by forgetting the incarceration and mistreatment of the invaders own men,women and children. And then using their children as cannon fodder on foreign shores.
Tv and radio

I think lots of programs on tv and radio are damaging.

Sometimes I see 3 or4 yr old acting out like a teenagers, made me cringe.

So much violent, hate and angers.

Years ago when we were watching Masterchef junior on tv, they show underbelly ad in the middle of commercial break.

Watching or listening 40 yr old behaving or talking like a teenagers, very bad examples for the younger generations.

In the 60s people live close to their families. Nowadays, we don't live close to our families. We go to church regularly because it's not a perfect religion.