Worst Manager of Prosperity

I was talking about how our wealth is generated now (and recently) rather than historically..

Not much wealth is created in services. Being wealthy is having food to eat, energy to run homes and business's, consumables to fill homes with, commodities to build cars and trucks and computers and highways and railways and citys and towns and skyscrapers. Then if you have surplus, you trade with the rest of the world for things that you need, and that the rest of the world is better at building than we are. So we trade what we make, with other countries. So we are wealthy. And it takes just a small number of people to do all this, so this, and our productive wealth allows most of the population to work in services. So services is the major part of our GDP. So in Australia we have fabulous schools and hospitals and a police force and shops and supermarkets and every other important service industry. Cities and towns full of busy people all servicing the needs of everyone else in the city and the rest of the country.

Yes mining was important to the Australian economy, a while ago. Agriculture, manufacturing, also played a much larger role in the past. But now services are what the bulk of the economy is centred around. Medicine, healthcare, educational services. But specifically financial services are playing a greater role, with Sydney being a financial service centre for the Asia Pacific region in a similar way London is.

I would just feel better if we put more money into techonology, and we had a better environment to encourage entrepreneurs. Compare how starting up a business is taxed in Australia vs somewhere like Singapore, and you can see why we are losing great businesses to those sorts of countries.

Why isn't mining still important? It makes up most of our countries exports. It still does even though prices have dropped. It's mostly what we send overseas so that we can afford all the machinery, cars, electronic equipment that we import. Do you think anyone would sell this stuff to us if we had nothing to trade?

Yet mining employs hardly anyone! Why would it when a single employee working with multimillion dollar machines can produce tens of millions of dollars worth of a commodity? It's a minor part of out GDP, and it's obvious why!

Services make up most of Australia's GDP. Same as most other wealthy countrys. In fact, the wealthier the nation, the more services, and the more people employed in services.

Look at the worlds most dynamic economy, Singapore. 80% of Singapores workforce are employed in services. That's because the country can afford it! They export 410 billion dollars worth of mainly manufactured products in 2014.


That's more than Australia, with a quarter of the population. Singapore's third largest exports, machinery, is bigger in size than Australia's entire agricultural exports! Yet no one would possibly say Singapore's wealth came from services. Singapore's wealth comes from it's massive ability to manufacture goods. Yet manufacturing only employs 18% of the workforce and is a minor part of Singapore's GDP if compared to services.

Works the other way too. Poor nations have very little in the way of services. Afghanistan's services sector is a tiny part of it's GDP. Three quarters of it's population are farmers. But Afghanistan is not poor because it has a small services sector. It has a small service sector because it's a poor and unproductive economy.

If services was what made nations wealthy, then you've solved the worlds poverty problem. All Afghanistan and Ethiopia and Sudan and every other poverty ridden place has to do is go and build a heap of hospitals, schools, highways, railways, shopping centres, etc and on and on. Hang on! They have no wealth to do that!

Think about it?

See ya's.
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My understanding was that services - education, financial services, etc. are part of what we "sell" to the rest of the world.

What you're talking about appears to be terms of trade. And the wealth of a nation is more complicated than imports/exports or it's terms of trade.

But thanks for the response, and I may well have my thinking turned around on this one, but i need to dash now - i will consider properly later!
My understanding was that services - education, financial services, etc. are part of what we "sell" to the rest of the world.!

Wealth can be generated in services. Education generates wealth for Australia when we educate students from overseas. But it's minor in value compared to mining.

What you're talking about appears to be terms of trade. And the wealth of a nation is more complicated than imports/exports or it's terms of trade.

It is much more than imports/exports. It's all about productivity. If a nation is highly productive at something, the exports are just a bonus.

See ya's.
Wealth can be generated in services. Education generates wealth for Australia when we educate students from overseas. But it's minor in value compared to mining.

See ya's.

Hi topcropper

Don't underestimate the value of our service exports.


"Australia's high-value services exports, led by tourism and education, have overtaken iron ore to become our biggest foreign exchange earners. Services exports now are worth more than coal and LNG combined."
Hi topcropper

Don't underestimate the value of our service exports.


"Australia's high-value services exports, led by tourism and education, have overtaken iron ore to become our biggest foreign exchange earners. Services exports now are worth more than coal and LNG combined."

And what is the value of our service imports? I think you will find it's greater than exports? It's certainly a foreign exchange?

Does tourism create wealth? It's debatable? I go overseas with wealth I've created here. I spend money overseas. The overseas economy benefits from the money I spent there. Isn't this balanced by the overseas tourists coming here? A zero sum game? No wealth is created or destroyed, just money changed hands. People earned money, business's made money, but it was all wealth that already existed. Similar to service imports and exports. If Australia gets more overseas tourists that spend more money than we spend travelling overseas, then we are in front.

See ya's.
And what is the value of our service imports? I think you will find it's greater than exports? It's certainly a foreign exchange?

Does tourism create wealth? It's debatable? I go overseas with wealth I've created here. I spend money overseas. The overseas economy benefits from the money I spent there. Isn't this balanced by the overseas tourists coming here? A zero sum game? No wealth is created or destroyed, just money changed hands. People earned money, business's made money, but it was all wealth that already existed. Similar to service imports and exports. If Australia gets more overseas tourists that spend more money than we spend travelling overseas, then we are in front.

See ya's.

Don't know the value of our service imports, but for a fair comparison you would have to offset the value of imports of oil ,diesel and products created from our mineral exports against the exports.

If our service exports had not been growing at the rate they are we would be a much poorer country.

Education doubled in value every five years from 1990 to 2010 and overtook tourism as our top service export in 2007/8 and is our 4th largest export after natural gas, coal and iron ore.
