Recent content by vizion

  1. V

    Michael Yardney's Mindset Mentorship Program

    Great points, thanks for the encouragement knightm. MTR, I went to the a recent property update seminar and the strategy is still leveraging the equity. However, Michael is now suggesting re-balancing the portfolio to include more commercial property with greater yields as one gets closer to...
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    Michael Yardney's Mindset Mentorship Program

    ok180, I've purchased my first property about a year ago. I'll be looking at the possibility of getting into a second one once I've got the deposit. I suppose that may be 6-12 months away depending on how much I can save, the finance I can get and whether I can get any equity out of the first...
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    Michael Yardney's Mindset Mentorship Program

    Thanks for the contribution, guys. I'm familiar with the feeling, mikezen. I have done meditation and study in this area, I think I've got a fairly good control of my emotions and being able to realize that I can drive and control the emotion by separating from it rather than letting it drive...
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    Michael Yardney's Mindset Mentorship Program

    Hi everyone, I'm considering signing up for Michael Yardney's property investing mindset mentorship program. I'm fairly new to investing but from what I've been reading and observing the way you think is certainly at the stop of the list of factors that make you successful or not successful at...