Search results

  1. T

    Purchase a property through a SMSF

    Hi everybody, I have a question in terms of a potential purchase of a property through our SMSF. Currently the property is a holiday rental and is rented to many different people throughout the year on a short term basis (i.e. days or weeks at a time). I would be looking to using the...
  2. T

    IP tax deductions

    Hi guys I purchased my property a few years ago which has the original mortgage amount I originally borrowed. (ie. 250k). Then a couple of years ago I undertook a 150k renovation utilising the equity I had in the home resulting in current mortgage increasing to 400k. I have lived in the...
  3. T

    Capital gains tax - advice please

    Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone maybe able to provide me with some guidance in terms of the options we have available to us. Here is a brief description of our situation: Property 1: a. Purchased my first home in Melbourne in January 1993 (ie. in my own name) for a $93,000. I...
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    Purchase of residential property through SMSF -advice

    Hi I have been reading material on the forum posted in regard to the purchasing residential property through a SMSF. However I have a couple of specific questions that I was hoping to obtain anwers for. I appreciate that the laws surrounding the purchase of a property through a SMSF is...
  5. T

    Capital Gains Tax advice

    Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone maybe able to provide me with CGT advice and what we maybe subject to pay on two separate properties Here is a brief description of our situation: Property 1: a. Purchased my first home in January 1993 (ie. in my own name) for a $93,000 where I...
  6. T

    Sub division through a company structure

    Hi guys I was hoping that someone on the forum could offer me some advice. Over the last few years I have been involved with a business venture which has been reasonably successful up until now. Unfortunately over the last few months my company attempted to expand without success...
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    CGT advice required

    Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone maybe able to provide me with CGT advice and what we be subject to pay. Here is a brief description of our situation: a. Purchased our house in March 2001 and payed $250k plus stamp duty of approx 15K. (ie; total = 265K). b. We had intentions of...