Search results

  1. C

    Pilling system

    Looking around and gathering info form potential PMs for my 1st IP I am financing right now, I came across a PM who uses the Pilling System. Is anybody familiar with this, and do you think it is a good system? The idea is that they are against asking for a fixed rent, because no-one knows...
  2. C

    What do you look for in a PM?

    I am at the stage of signing a contract to buy my first IP. So I never had anything to do with property managers yet. I now will have to look for a property manager soon. The property I'm buying has been owner-occupied, so never has been managed. How can you tell whether managers would make...
  3. C

    What are my rights?

    Hi people, I'm in an awkward position, don't really know what I should do. I made an offer on a property, it was one of those Dutch auctions, where you have a price range. We made an offer at the top of the range, for $275,000 because the agent told us that we could easily get $350 rent per...
  4. C

    Confused about depreciation

    Hi all, I'm a bit confused about whether there's a limit to claiming depreciation. Say, for example, I buy a brandnew IP with an annual depreciation of $9K. A few months later, I buy another new IP, also with a 9K depreciation. And a third etc. What will happen? According to some...
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    Jamie McIntyre

    Does any of you own the 21st Century academy seminar videos by Jamie McIntyre? I just wonder whether they'd be worth it. Although it's not only about IPs, there are supposed to be videos on just real estate. Jamie owns quite a lot of IPs all over the place. In the book he explains how you...
  6. C

    Interest-only or P&I?

    Is there a person amongst you who can explain to me why most investors reckon that IO loans are much better? I'm not sure I understand. I do understand that your cashflow will improve, and that will allow you to buy your next IP sooner. I also understand that, if you're still paying off...
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    Distant investing overseas

    Have any of you ever bought an investment property overseas without actually physically going there? Can everything be arranged 'from a distance'? I'm just thinking whether it would be very complicated. If anybody has done or attempted it, I'd like to hear about it.
  8. C

    House with Granny-flat

    In my area, I noticed that a 2-story house has been on the market by now for over 4 months. All other houses are going like hotcakes, (as PPOR I believe) but not this one! I rang the RE agent and asked them how much the asking price was, seemed average to me, just like other houses around...
  9. C

    Education is not tax deductible?

    Hi investors. I am planning to buy an educational product for around $500 on Investing in Real estate. I thought this would be tax deductible. I rang ATO to make sure and they told me it is not tax deductible since I don't have an IP as yet. My reasoning is, that I rather get this education...
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    Hans Jakobi

    Hi, is anyone familiar with the cassette course from Hans Jakobi, called Super Secrets to Wealth? I would like to buy it, but because it's pricey (around $500) I thought to ask if anyone thinks whether this is worth the money.
  11. C

    Heard of the 1.6 rule?

    Somewhere sometime ago I have heard or read that if (hope I remember this correctly) the weekly rent you get is at least 1.6x the loan then the property will pay for itself. It better, at this rate! E.g. Property loan for say $250K then the rent must be 250x1.6=400 Gee $400 a week where can...
  12. C

    Helping family

    Hi, I am still learning about RE investing and don't know much at all about wrapping and LOs, but I am thinking of a stategy to help my brother and his partner buy a unit. We have a very good relationship. They can't get finance themselves (self employed, not very stable etc). But because he...
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    Campbelltown area

    I live in the Campbelltown area, at Eagle Vale. There has been good capital growth in this area, especially Narellan, then probably Eagle Vale and Raby, also Campbelltown itself it doing quite well. I am thinking of perhaps buying my next IP around here, (we have our first IP under contract)...
  14. C

    Whose name goes on the contract?

    I find this confusing: Jan Somers recommends that between husband and wife, the higher income earner should buy the IP in his/her name to make it most tax efficient. But Anita Bell advices to buy in both names if both owners are employed and intend to stay employed. She doesn't take the...
  15. C

    Help please!!! with financing Pensioner Units

    Problemo here! I don't expect anyone to know the answer, but I hope there will be someone out there who had a similar problem who can give me advice! To make a long story short, I am about to sign a contract to purchase two Aged Penisoner Units for $183,000 the two (these are one strata title...
  16. C

    Finance structuring ideas

    :confused: We are about to purchase our first IP, and we're thinking to set up this finance structure. Anyone out there to give advice whether this is a good idea? First we will take out a line of credit on our unencimbered own home. We will use the LOC to pay the deposit and all costs for...
  17. C

    Aged Pensioners Units

    I am looking at buying one of these new Aged Penisoners Units in QLD. They've been advertised in API magazine recently. It will be my very first IP and I am quite nervous! I am reading the contract at the moment. Does any of you have good/bad experiences with this kind of IP? I'd be very...