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  1. O

    Dubbo - Nice areas to rent?

    Hey all, My wife and I may be heading to Dubbo for a couple of years due to work. Work will pay up to $400pw in rent so cost is basically not an issue. So what are the nice areas for renting and living? What are the areas to avoid?
  2. O

    Contour Crafting

    Something to think about for the future perhaps? Basically a giant 3D printer literally pours the house into being from a computer design in about 1 day using a specially formulated...
  3. O

    Getting started and strategy?

    Hi All, Been lurking here reading all I can for about a week and thought I'd now dive in with my first questions. Sorry if this is TL;DR First a little about my situation...... Wife and I are in our 30's, police officer and fire fighter, earning $180k/pa gross. Have $200k in equity...