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  1. JennD

    Direction confusion!

    Hi Somersofters .... Been a while since I've last posted, but thought I'd share some of my recent thoughts. Having moved to Melbourne (and watching the fairly crap market here) I've been really considering my future plans and focusing on what will keep me financially stable and happy (rather...
  2. JennD

    NRAS property

    Hi Somersofters, Love the forum. Recently jumped across to Property Observer. Don't want to spam with links (or I'll get accused of trying to beef up our SEO haha), but I've had a couple of opinion pieces up on the site over the past week about NRAS/Ba's saying how bad it is/etc. Wanted to...
  3. JennD

    Granny Flats in Perth

    Apparently, if the state's lib party gets voted in, they're looking to ease up on the restrictions on GFs. Would this actually make you dive in2 the market? My thoughts atm are that it's undersupplied enough...
  4. JennD

    Colleague's experience - advice?

    A colleague of mine got a check from a different property management agency for his last rent. It turns out the previous PM had sold the rent roll - and hadn't notified him. The new agency have also changed how he is receiving rent (monthly, not weekly) so his bank was unable to take out the...
  5. JennD

    Does this require council approval?

    The property I'm looking at changing is in Whalan (Blacktown Council). Hoping to add a patio outside the back of the property. It'll be near the fence etc. No idea what council restrictions there are (going to call tomorrow), but in the meantime - anyone done this? Does it require council...
  6. JennD

    Rates are cut Thoughts on this?
  7. JennD

    How often does your "end game"/"goal" change?

    I'm still figuring out my end game/final strategy, but how often has yours changed over your investing career so far? I'm guessing it changes when kids etc happen. Not intending on any on this end, but other lifestyle factors could get in the way. Does it just set you back, or does it change...
  8. JennD

    Jill Meagher

    Anyone else feeling wretched?
  9. JennD

    Olympic Dam may go ahead Thoughts??
  10. JennD

    Finally bought Rich Dad Poor Dad book

    As so many investors were telling me that they had read it prior to investing and it 'changed' their whole outlook. Anyone else with a similar story with RDPD? Anything I should know before reading it?
  11. JennD

    A bit of feedback - unusual request

    Hi Somersofters, So... I've got a bit of a strange request. I'm reviewing some of my past work on Smart Property Investment magazine and am looking for some feedback. The story on the September cover was 'Population Hotspots: The Truth Behind The Numbers' where we attempted to expose the...
  12. JennD

    Port Hedland to undergo gvt development Thoughts?
  13. JennD

    Ikea furniture

    And the fun things you can do:
  14. JennD

    Great blog

    In one of my web trawls I came across this blog: full of finance tips and saving money tips etc. Not affiliated (in any way) with it, but find it very enjoyable and wanted to share :)
  15. JennD


    Stilling tossing and turning in my mind about this one - have been exposed to a number of different views. Some really interesting debating happening here too:
  16. JennD

    Quirky things to look at when finding a location

    I speak to a lot of people in the property industry, and one thing that consistently crops up is that everyone has their own little "way" of hotspotting. One guy told me that he saw pubs closing down, and to him that was enough of a warning to not buy there (in a place where mining was a big...