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  1. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Looks like it's on... nhg, taser tag would be more fun...
  2. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Was a friends bucks night, he was the one who got a massage.
  3. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Are Kings Court still there? Last time I was there was 15 years ago. Only played pool, no massage...
  4. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    You don't know what your missing.... Last time Navid didn't even have any clothes because he lost them the night before...
  5. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Hey NavMan, I like your style of extreme adventure activities, but not sure if everyone else shares the same interests. Maybe tame it down a bit this time and have some fun/action after the meeting if willing.
  6. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Maybe somewhere around the Inner West could be the most convenient position based on everybody's location?
  7. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    I'm no expert at organising events, but do agree with your point of having the meet up before 24th Feb, that's a while away... What's a suitable location for everybody? Sydney Southside here.
  8. Ace in the Hole

    Sydney Meetings?

    Just checking to see if there are any upcoming Sydney meetings/get togethers planned. Keen on meeting other like minded people whether starting out or advanced, all will be helpful in one way or another in progressing further. Or if anyone wants to get together anytime to discuss property...