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  1. Alex P Keaton

    Silly things drivers do!

    i dont, i only drive in the left lane. lol but some idiots still like to tailgate you in the left lane even though there is a free lane on the right to overtake me. Sometimes i get fed up with it (cos it stresses me out big time) and I move over to the right lane when no other cars are around...
  2. Alex P Keaton

    Silly things drivers do!

    During the past few weeks i have been taking note of other drivers on my way home at night. I'll be driving at 60 in a 60 zone, and there will be 3 or 4 cars pass by me (there are only 3 or 4 on the road) doing around 80ish. I keep an eye on these cars for the next 5/10 minutes to see what...