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  1. B

    How to start...exercising

    Hit a mile stone today So after nearly exactly 1 month I hit a milestone of 45mins constant exercise. That was 30mins on the treadmill and 15mins on the bike. I think I clocked a touch over 4.5 on the treadmill and 7 on the bike. I don't really trust the km measure on the machines, so I go...
  2. B

    How to start...exercising

    Thanks for the info As a competitive freediver I am well aware of the risks of apnea and apnea related exercise. Breathold training is about the only training I have ever done. ;) I also get by blood sugar checked regularly - part of the quirks of oil and gas work is annual medicals. All...
  3. B

    How to start...exercising

    At this stage I'm not concerned about my body weight. Just my fitness level, and mobility. I do have access to gym equipment, but have no idea how to use any of it, and would rather not learn by trial and error. If I had access to an instructor I might consider it, but in the meantime Im...
  4. B

    How to start...exercising

    Ok - well I have been to the gym each day. 3kms on a treadmill in one form or another. Day one I clocked a 22:40, day two was 22:05 and today was 21:05. Today was the first day 'running' non-stop (what I do shouldn't be described as running - its more like a 'flamingo lurch'). So Im not...
  5. B

    How to start...exercising

    Its ok - you can just call me Blacky :D
  6. B

    How to start...exercising

    Sounds appealing. Ill be in Moscow on Saturday. Lets chat about it over a beer and burger... :p Blacky
  7. B

    How to start...exercising

    Ha - Skinny fat. Ive never heard that before. But yeah, its probably me. I used to be relatively strong for my size, but not any more. And yeah, a set of stairs makes me puff. I have a 'podgy' soft tummy. I blame it on the hours of **** shinning I do at work. Fortunatly I'm not a big...
  8. B

    How to start...exercising

    Thanks for all the replies so far. Clearly its either a nerve or passion with many. Interesting - Im not overweight at all (in fact Im probably a bit too slim). Im one of those people who eat what ever I want, do no exercise, and still manage to lose weight. I managed to "bulk up" a couple...
  9. B

    How to start...exercising

    Following on from an old thread about how "old" we all are - there were a number of comments (including my own) referring to the dangers of living a sedentary lifestyle. Well, Im a bad culprit for it. I work long hours when I work (12+/day) of which 99% of it is office based. When I get...