Search results

  1. D.T.

    Perth bottom end

    I'm not excluding them from my own investment criteria, just excluded them from the topic dealing with rezoning houses since they're um... houses. Hehe :D Property i linked in the last post was a villa infact. I guess that's what the threads about, sussing out all the available options in the...
  2. D.T.

    Perth bottom end

    If you skip the first page on;+koondoola/list-1?preferredState=undefined&includeSurrounding=false&activeSort=price-asc as most of these are villas, duplexes etc, remaining houses are all about $380K. Is $380k bottom end these days? I...
  3. D.T.

    Perth bottom end

    Do you have a link to a map/article of which pockets of Koondoola (mostly the doola side im guessing? ;)) and Girrawheen are being rezoned, or is it simply all of it?
  4. D.T.

    Perth bottom end

    :D Searching for properties while waiting for the footy to come on... not the home team of course, but should be a good game nonetheless!
  5. D.T.

    Perth bottom end

    In contrast to the other " Perth top end" thread; what about at the other end? For those preferring not to go country / interstate: 1) Is there much/anything left in the sub 250K bracket? 2) And if so, anyone have a take on them? I've seen a couple of units around parmelia, gosnells...