Search results

  1. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    Happy to be labelled a rig pig Norwester, When you make those statements you are standing on the shoulders of giants who have made the NW the powerhouse it is today. People like Sir Charles Court, Lang Hancock, Kim Beazley and a bunch of BHP / Rio / Woodside and WAPET boys...
  2. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    This is what really peeves me about some Australians. In one respect you've got the most popular elected Premier of the powerhouse economic state in the country stating what his opinion on a subject is, based on data fed to him by his departments. I was fortunate enough to be having a...
  3. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    Boohoo. These matters are way outside your influence. Stop complaining about the situation and adjust your tactics. You obviously haven't understood your own quote at the footer of all your posts.
  4. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    .....nothing. doubt. doubt again. You are one confused little bunny rabbit. You've been moaning on these boards about affordability for ages now, yet it takes less than 4 minutes to find examples of brand spanking new 4 x 2 brick and tile homes on their own block of...
  5. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    The demand is there in bucketloads hobo-jo. Not just in WA either.... Here...selling oodles like hotcakes.....brand spanking 4 x 2 for $ 243K.....that's house and land packages, not just houses. ...and here...
  6. Dazz

    Shameful honesty

    This will go down like a lead balloon with the left wing media and the whingers - of all ages - who simply want everything handed to them on a plate...because they know their rights.... Honest comment from a politician - views like this is why he enjoys a strong power base in WA. He'd be...