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  1. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Hi Jen, it could not have worked out better. I doubt I will regret it too. I'm really looking forward to the lifestyle change and the fact that I will no longer have to commute ~3 hrs a day, especially if I work from home! I will have to find some kind of natural midgy repellant though as that's...
  2. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Sounds like a plan! Nothing like passing judgements over a nice cup of coffee! That's odd, and crap. As long as you're happy doing what you're doing, that's the main thing.
  3. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Thanks! Well, now that you put it that way.... Very valid point though which has made me realise how arrogant I'm being. Cheers! I'm definitely feeling the love at work. I still will, just not as soon as I had planned. Now that I will be working remotely for the majority of the...
  4. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Thanks Geoff! Not sure how the travel will work, whether it will be via a company card or I pay and they reimburse me. I only found out late this arvo and couldn't talk too much more to my manager about it as I would have missed my train and they haven't figured out the finer details yet...
  5. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    I thought I'd give an update regarding this saga... My GM caught wiff of my wanting to move to Cairns and the fact that I had applied for another position. He said he didn't want to lose me as part of the team and asked what my thoughts are on moving up there, doing the job I'm doing now and...
  6. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Possibly. I have a fair idea of what the career progression options are and it's much of a muchness compared to the one being offered. I had a good talk to the hiring manager about other options that I might find more 'stimulating' but that's all based in Brisbane. No chance of them expanding...
  7. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Hi Player, that's a good quote but a tricky one - both paths have a heart for me. I think it's a matter of which one has more heart or which one appeals to the heart more. I was just about to write 'do I follow the lifestyle heart or the career heart' but really, they will eventually merge and...
  8. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Ha, sure. I'll put in a good word for you! Very true, is that a bad thing though? And also very true with the job satisfaction. I thrive on job satisfaction, but I invest too much of myself into my job, maybe I don't need to in Cairns. Without having worked the position yet (only similar) I...
  9. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Lol, nope. Wow Elke, some great insights there, thanks for taking the time to respond. You've really hit home with your comments about being in the thick of it now and not having the time or energy for anything else other than my job. Before we moved down here I had an easy undemanding...
  10. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Nope. (and some other characters for the sake of it)
  11. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Thank you everyone for your well thought out responses, I seriously thought people would see how long my post is and would move on. I'm feeling loved :D C - Both! If I simplify it and saw job I enjoy in Melb or average job in Cairns I would take the Cairns option any day. Also, there's a...
  12. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    Wise people you SS'ers! :D True. I enjoy my job now but my dislike of Melbourne far outweighs my enjoyment. We had only planned to stay in Vic for 2 years... :rolleyes: You're right about it being emotionally draining though. I think I've put too much importance on my career. Yep...
  13. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    But I need sleep to live and to not have a regular pay cheque at the moment would destroy my SANF! We don't have enough of a cash buffer to move and bring the plan forward at the moment. Settlement ended up costing us a lot more than we had originally planned for so that ate into our...
  14. Kinnon Bell

    I'm being silly re career/life move-I need some objective POV's (warning: long read!)

    I need a good dose of reality and what better place than SS! Apologies for the length, I have issues with being succinct. A little bit of context... My husband and I have lived in Melbourne for 4.5 years and have never liked the place, we only moved to follow my family as there was a...