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  1. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Saw that on last week's show. Very (seriously) funny :( It will all be OK with the printing presses running hot :rolleyes: and the interest being capitalised. She'll be right :cool:
  2. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    U.S. handing out financial advice Oh, quick, quick.....hasten and let's all get our advice from the US. Pot, kettle and a colour, black LOL :p...
  3. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Hi ya reply of yesterday afternoon got sucked into some cyber abyss; SS was offline for me for a few hours :cool: You might be right. I am no economist, however know that the local Greek's standard of living was significantly affected (to the downside) overnight when they joined...
  4. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Gotta tighten those Greek belts Greeks have a voracious appetite so unlikely to accept dietary changes too well. :rolleyes: From Business Spectator today..............." At the same time, there is little confidence that Greece will be able to meet the stringent debt reduction task it has...
  5. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Please start another thread on trading versus investing Yep agree BC. ;) Guys, this was a thread on the PIIGS. I have enjoyed reading and discerning the benefits and pitfalls of value versus growth investing versus trading, however kindly start another thread. :( Thanks. :)
  6. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Back on the rails Back to the topic then. Perhaps the lessons from the PIIGS thus far (and the ensuing carnage that may unfold) may be related back to our area as property investors. These are times to be conservative with debt and ensure that one (country, person, family, entity) does...
  7. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Some American pork Trouble in the US.......who'da thought
  8. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Pamploma.....bear run Spain should lock the bulls away and prepare for the "running of the bears" :rolleyes: Greece, to my mind is merely the canary in the mineshaft: My...
  9. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    They are not unknown for having vocal demonstartions however usually their "bark"is worse than their "bite". This state of affairs however (and it's only beginning), is disgusting. I wonder what else may happen in that Southern European precinct with the rest of the consonants not unknown for...
  10. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Who to believe Hi ozharp, I've seen it range from 58 to 61 or 63. Perhaps the age 53 retirement scheme is for public servants of varying classes or seniority. No matter, an industrious nation (of late) it is not. Most Greeks in Greece seek (hunt) public service jobs for the pension...
  11. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Thanks for sharing the link, Jonril...........puts a new spin on the word "pentagon" :rolleyes:
  12. Player

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    From business Spectator: A Ponzi nation along with Portugal, Italy and Spain. Riots, deaths, and this frenzy won't stop. Should the people be upset, sure. Should they...