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  1. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    The big one for some bizarre reason can't seem to remember a routine to save her life - never has been able to. She was completely muddled last night as to what to do next in her frighteningly long and complex evening routine (brush teeth, go to toilet, go to bed) so the little one stepped in...
  2. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    Sue78: The Little One spotted the picture of your babies and announces: "oooh! look! babies! the babies! walk! babies walk!" In our house, a pram is a "walk", and yours are in a pram :)
  3. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    Woo, someone else has babies with hair! I thought it was just me who had to take the baby to the hairdresser to get trimmed every month :) I can't believe how much the little one copies. My first *never* copied me. The little one loaded the washing machine for me today, shut the door and...
  4. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    :eek::eek::eek: Good lord. That's like a lifetime of sleep in one day. Mine sleeps more now than she ever has: 8:30pm-8am with 20 minutes in the afternoon if I'm lucky, usually no afternoon nap. Before she was 14 months old she'd sleep from about 12am-8am (waking up several times to eat)...
  5. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    That's cos most people have them when the last one is still a small, cute toddler. By the time they're noxious teenagers and you want to wring their necks you're too old to breed yourself ;) Or they just keep trying for a boy, or a girl, or a redhead, or one that is well behaved, or ... or...
  6. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    Sif waste food. Food is for eating not throwing away*! Nom nom nom nom nom ... Had yet another argument with The Big One last night just before dinner. She was ranking things again when she's been specifically told not to rank things (this time it was ranking the baby's toys, last time she...
  7. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    Leikela - and sometimes they get all clever and try and change their OWN nappies! Hooooboy can that make a mess :eek:
  8. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    60c noodles with a gram of sodium and 12 grams of fat per serve are by definition 'cheap and nasty' :p I would have described them as that if they were Ye Olde British steak and eggs flavour ... they just happened to be Asian ones that instantly smelt hideously rancid when they ended up in...
  9. RumpledElf

    Babies are trouble

    So I bought some cheap and nasty Asian two minute noodles the other day. You know the sort, they come with half a dozen sachets of soy sauce, chilli sauce, dried vegetables, powdered spice etc. Very tasty, well worth the 60c they cost just for my week's dose of sodium all in one bowl. Anyway...