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  1. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    Azazel - I do data modelling for living. My employer is paying me decent money to come up with 'predictions' based on available data. TBH I trust experienced people's (who knows the subject matter) gut feel more than what the data is telling me. There are so many factors affect an outcome...
  2. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    At your service Rizzle :)
  3. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    Thanks for explaining it much better than me :o I put the source on the graph. Simply divide each index by Sydney's index. Now we can easily (some people) compare other cities to Sydney.
  4. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    COMPARED to Sydney, others are not performing as well as Sydney in recent years. It is important to note that the downwards trending graph doesn't mean their prices are falling. Hope I didn't confuse anyone with that graph :)
  5. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    Chart showing the all city indexes compared to Sydney's index is attached. It is all part of the cycle :)
  6. devank

    Somersoft leading indicator through the roof

    Have we ever left a city behind in long term? It has to be Brisbane next.