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  1. eKwatee outrages price increases

    Exactly, but my vendor's want their properties listed with all those extra features provided.
  2. eKwatee outrages price increases

    You may have been listed on REA as a standand listing. We list our vendors properties on the featured Listing position, 30 day rotation reverting back to the top, guaranteed top spot & e-brochures.
  3. eKwatee outrages price increases

    I'm complaining on behalf of the vendor's. Their the ones that pay for the advertising. And it's not the only charge REA have increased, its for nearly every feature they have. Not to mention how slow and clunky their site is because they splash that much advertising on every page. You take a...
  4. eKwatee outrages price increases

    I know the majority of the members here have a buy and hold strategy, but occasionally we see members here put their properties up for sale and majority of sellers like to see their property listed on So i thought this article may be of interest as majority of people think...