Search results

  1. james start

    Which is your favourite suburb in Brisbane..?(of an IP)

    Yes and now they sell just shy of 400 so I guess that's almost double? Wow must of been one massive shift of population in those 2 years and the biggest explosion of jobs brisbane has ever seen to drive that sort of growth because that's all it takes for cg isn't it according to you? Or maybe...
  2. james start

    Which is your favourite suburb in Brisbane..?(of an IP)

    Just like Logan is as well I guess, miles away, miles and miles and miles away could almost say that it's in Northern Territory, way way up in the middle of nowhere just like TOWNSVILLE wow buddy some great calls going on here a few years time once brisbane goes nuts your gonna...
  3. james start

    Which is your favourite suburb in Brisbane..?(of an IP)

    A box of beers says Within the next 3-5 years you won't be able to buy a house under 400k within 30 km of almost any capital city in Australia, it's probably Almost there now by I've been a bit lazy and haven't checked out Adelaide :oyet and hobart doesn't really count