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  1. M

    Would it be of interest
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    Would it be of interest
  3. M

    Would it be of interest
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    Would it be of interest

  5. M

    Would it be of interest

    can you tell I am challenged
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    Would it be of interest

    Brickwork finished today, lovely brickies, did a beautiful job, especially on the retro feature wall! :)
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    Would it be of interest

    Bumping to say that work started this week and slab down next week, hopefully by then I will have figured out how to post a photo on the iPad mini.:)
  8. M

    Would it be of interest Oh dear. Lol.
  9. M

    Would it be of interest

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} }
  10. M

    Would it be of interest

    Could I take this opportunity to say a big thanks to Westminster. The builder contacted me Tuesday to say the combined bathroom/laundry arrangement with one sink was no longer compliant as regs changed in November. He proposed a vanity next to a sink and said they would cover the cost. He...
  11. M

    Would it be of interest

    How do you mean both Myf? Do you mean I have to pay the levy as the SAT refuses the application AND the application fee? I guess that is a risk I am prepared to take, I've gone too far to back out for 5 grand or even 5,400! I just think how is it fair that they apply it arbitrarily, the...
  12. M

    Would it be of interest

    Their policy says "a drainage contribution fee shall be collected from all new subdivisions, developments and/or extensions to existing developments within the area indicated on the plans etc etc" further on "the requirement for the fee shall be included as a condition of subdivision or...
  13. M

    Would it be of interest

    No, I'm not sure. My argument is that the City have not applied regs in fair or consistent fashion, have contravened their own policy, and are double dipping in that they have already applied drainage levies to ratepayers via rates, in addition to existing charges.
  14. M

    Would it be of interest

    Just an update, I have lodged an appeal with the SAT and it should be heard within a few weeks, I think the builder was keen for me to pay and appeal later but I figured it was easier to not pay rather than try to get reimbursed. There is a fee of almost $400 for the appeal but I still think...
  15. M

    Would it be of interest

    Bit of an update, City of Swan sent myself and the builder, an invoice for almost 5k for a drainage levy, before they will issue the licence. When I picked myself up from the floor the builders admitted they had not received any such bill for a granny flat built nearby (1 kilometre) in the same...
  16. M

    Would it be of interest

    I got the photo done but had to persuade the kid to do the rest, hence the practice Labrador! Thanks. Redwing.
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    Would it be of interest

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8234 \uc0\u8236 }
  18. M

    Would it be of interest

    Test [/url][/IMG]
  19. M

    Would it be of interest

    If I posted photos of my granny flat build from whoa to go, I am signing the contract next week, it is currently a nice garden area so I am excited to see how it changes! If I do, could someone tell me how a techno trog with a dumb phone but armed with a mini, posts photos? Ps I do have a...