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  1. S

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?

    Interesting. Also I was looking at this thread: Interest on Interest and Capitalising Interest - the Facts Do I open a trust structure on this one or? A bit confused.
  2. S

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?

    If I were to hold the property in my name, any negative cashflow generated from properties can be deductible from my salaries income? Why do we use a trust + company structure then?
  3. S

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?

    what is the way to go to minimize taxes going to ATO? Buying and holding properties for the long haul, about 20 to 30 years?
  4. S

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?

    thanks for the clarification, I'm confusing myself~ :)
  5. S

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?

    Does it mean that we don't pay CGT if it produces income for < 6 years?