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  1. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Nature will fix the problem. Drought and disease. Look at AIDS. It's a disease of gays in the West. In the third world AIDS is a disease of overpopulation. Other diseases will come along as well. Then some nutcase dictator wipes out a heap. War, Genocide. Why is the populations exploding all...
  2. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Well, it's gotta be a great thing for humans. How could it not. Unlimited food supply, [until fossil fuels run out that is]. Probably not so great for the environment, because if there weren't as many humans, there would not be as many problems. I think it would be nice if the worlds...
  3. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Winston, your points are all valid. Excessive population growth is occuring in the regions where meat is less eaten, and the most CO2 is being produced in the developed world. Reducing meat consumption would also reduce CO2 emisions. I just can't see it happening. See ya's.
  4. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Ha ha. Losers??? We are in control of an asset that has increased at 7% to 10% compound for half a century. Just keep it quiet OK. See ya's.
  5. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    I guess I haven't seen this yet personally. I still live in a farming area. Most people in this area are farmers, or depends on farming. I suppose you live closer to the rat race than I do. I am on the edge of the hobby/lifestyle farm craze though. They are flowing over the Great Dividing...
  6. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Interesting article. I'm not going to become a vegan to reduce global warming. I don't know anyone else who would. Maybe there are people out there who would, but I don't know those sort of people. Blaming agriculture for global warming is like blaming breathing for causing cancer. If we...
  7. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    An article I found about agricultural land values. See ya's.
  8. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    That link doesn't work for some reason. Click on it here then. Cheers.
  9. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    It's something I have no concern about since 80% of my assets are invested in the sector anyway. This is something I posted on the 'What is a drought' thread. It's a sort of a managed fund that invests in rural land. Maybe it's closed...
  10. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Rain water is great for my domestic use. I have hundreds of thousands of litres of the stuff. Showering in rainwater is heaven, so is drinking it, and it's the one thing I miss most when I'm away. Rain water would never work for stock water though. It is impossible. Cattle drink enormous...
  11. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    One of the reasons I'm such an optimist about farming is that I know I'm farming as efficiently as anyother farmer in the world, and way more efficient that 95%. This is because we have had to make do without subsidies in Australia. All my competitors have the same increasing costs as do I...
  12. topcropper

    Climate Change, Agriculture, and other stuff.

    Howdy. Sorry to keep ranting on about agriculture. Anyone can ignore my rantings if they like. Not much point in talking about a subject I know nothing about. Wow, this climate change debate has taken off hasn't it. I've just recently watched All Gores 'An inconvenient truth'. Yep, very...